A few useful utility classes

A class that simplifies the loading of images from jar files.
A subclass of ImageIcon

A class that simplifies the loading of any kind of files from jar files.
A subclass of File

A class that simplifies the loading of a native library from jar files.


The property key-value pairs are saved when you close the application or stop the applet in folder mmsc in the users home directory. (The Log Book tells you where that is.)

  1. uk.co.mmscomputing.util.configuration:
    A little package that helps reading & writing configuration data.
  2. uk.co.mmscomputing.util.log:
    A simple message 'logger'
  3. uk.co.mmscomputing.util.lookandfeel:
    A little package that helps with the look & feel api.
  4. uk.co.mmscomputing.util.metadata:
    Meta-data listener interface for mmsc programs.