jcapi.dll : The jcapi c++ library for windows (amd64-bit version).

I have tested this on a machine with 64bit AMD processor and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition installed. The system property returned for os.arch is amd64.
Have a look at classes: device.capi.ncc.DataB3Req, device.capi.ncc.DataB3Ind and util.JarLib.

Windows jcapi.dll:

  1. you need (i.e. Windows XP Professional x64 Edition):
    - c:\windows\system32\capi2064.dll (This seems to come with the operating system.)
    - java sdk (Tried it only with 1.5.0_08)
    - {java sdk}\include\jni.h (you need to put these in the compilers search path)
    - {java sdk}\include\win32\jni_md.h
    - uk_co_mmscomputing_device_capi_jcapi.h
  2. compile jcapi.cpp and therefore generate the library jcapi.dll like this:
    1. Download and Install: Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 SP1
    2. open console with XP X64-bit IE 6.0 DEBUG BUILD Environment
      start|all Programs|Microsoft Platform SDK ...|Open Build Environment ... |Windows XP 64 ... |Set Windows XP 64 ... Environment
    3. cd to ...\capi\win64\jcapi.cpp directory
    4. type: cl /LD jcapi.cpp bufferoverflowU.lib

    If you know and trust me :) you can download jcapi.dll here.
  3. put jcapi.dll into library path of java program (4 possibilities):
    1. use -Djava.library.path=... option, when you start the program.
    2. copy jcapi.dll to the java virtual machine's library folder {java sdk}\jre\bin (Available for all programs started with this jvm [java virtual machine])
    3. or copy jcapi.dll to the operating system's library folder c:\windows\system32. (Available for all java programs and jvms; Just remember on 64 bit systems: 32 bit libraries go into SysWOW64 and 64 bit libraries into System32)
    4. or use uk.co.mmscomputing.util.JarLib.load(...)

Package : uk.co.mmscomputing.device.capi.win64
  1. ../uk_co_mmscomputing_device_capi_jcapi.h
  2. jcapi.cpp
  3. jcapi.dll