The apse mosaics dating from 1220 depict figures of Christ with St. Peter, St. Andrew, St. Paul and St. Luke and to the sides are symbols of the Evangelists, the 24 Ancients of the Apocalypse and angels. Below at the sides are Sts Peter (right) and Paul ( left, pointing toward his tomb).

         In the lower zone are Apostles carrying scrolls with the text of Gloria in excelsis. Beneath Christ is a throne with the instruments of the Passion and a gemmes Cross. It was restored in 1747 by Pope Benedict XIV.



         The marble canapy over the high altar is signed by sculptor Arnolfo di Cambio, 1285.


         Inside the altar, behind a grille on its front, a red light perpetually burns to designate that this is the resting place of St. Paul. Below the altar in the Confessio is a crypt similar to that in St. Peter's, which holds the sarcophagus with the inscription "To Paul, Apostle and martyr."


            The huge paschal (Easter) candlestick in the right-hand transept, standing more than 5 metres high, is by Nichola Angelo and Pietro Vasalletto, and was made in the 12th century and survived the fire but was restored. The base and top may have been reused from an older candlestick. The decoration depicts Christ's Passion, Death and Resurrection.