See picture # 0208. Pope Nicholas IV commissioned a total refurbishment of the
apse completed in 1291. It was redone in 1883. The present apse bowl is In
three parts –
The upper with blue
background with a bust of the Savior with angels on all sides.
The second section
(gold background) Mountain topped by Crucifix with Dove (Holy Spirit) above.
Four biblical rivers spring from mountain and flow into the River Jordan
(prefiguring baptism) with deer and lambs drinking. The Virgin Mary (Theotokos-God
Bearer) is to the left her hand touching Pope Nicholas IV. Also on the left,
Peter and Paul, small St. Francis, To the right St. John Baptist, St. Andrew,
St. John Evangelist & a small St. Anthony of Padua.
The third section is a
narrow band of blue with vegetation and fish representing the Jordan River
& resurrection of the body at the end of time.